Monday 18 August 2014

Tonsillitis ☹

So, the past week I've had tonsillitis and it's not been very pleasant. I'll be glad to see it go.

Because of my disease I get tired easily when I do things, even just going to a friends house tires me out however I can usually stay awake till about 9-10 then go to bed. But with having tonsillitis as well as my disease I've been sleeping in the day for 2-3 hours as well as going to bed at 11ish. Since last Friday I've lost my appetite and have been sleeping all the time, I've also lost my appetite too from the pain I've been in. Thankfully the doctors prescribed me antibiotics and my course of them finishes tomorrow. After a whole week or having no energy to do anything and falling asleep all the time hopefully by Tuesday I can start to get back to my old normal self, well as normal as that can be.

This is the 2nd time I've had tonsillitis this year so I've decided that if I get it again I'm having them taken out because I really do not need the extra tiredness etc (as I get that already and having an infection on top makes it 10x worse) and I need as much energy as I can so if it's something that can be avoided then hopefully they'll take them out, but like anything with me we have to speak to Great Ormond Street first. I'll wait to speak to them at my next appointment which has just been confirmed for October the 2nd where I'll also be seeing the Lung Transplant team, due to my request of wanting to see them; only thing is I had questions and now I can't remember them. Oops.

Results day is in 4 days so fingers crossed.

Erika X

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