About me

Hey, so first of all thank you for visiting my blog and second of all my name is Erika; I'm 17 years old and a writer. 

Some of you may be new readers and some of you may be returning, either way thank you and welcome. I am currently admitted to Hammersmith Hospital and I'm a fan of most movies and my favorite are Disney and action. I never know what to write when writing one of these pages so I will try not to ramble on and just keep it simple. 

I suffer from a heart and lung disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension which is why I'm admitted to Hammersmith. If you would like to learn more about my disease, what I suffer from and how I became poorly, this hyperlink first blog post will take you to my very first blog post where I speak about my disease. Or you can read the page head lining 'My Story'. 

Anyway there's much more to me than my disease so I best get on with it. 

I live in Swindon and I took my GCSE's at The Commonweal School in 2014; English, Maths, Science and ICT. I didn't do as many GCSE's as other students because of my health issues at the time and I wasn't attending school much. I got my results on August 21st 2014 and I left with a B and 3 C's. I was at The Commonweal Sixth form doing A levels but since starting in September 2014 it was way too much for me, made me sick and my health wasn't great due to the stress levels being so high in sixth form and out of. So because of all of this, I left sixth form and I worked full time while doing a Business Administration apprenticeship. I did this for 5 months but again my health deteriorated and it just got too much. 

Now I'm currently working at Build-a-Bear and I really don't think I could have a better job.. it's such an enjoyable job to do and we have the most amazing team. I rarely have any stress and it doesn't make me poorly where as sixth form and my apprenticeship does, obviously I still get poorly but thats because someones passed on their cold NOT because of stress, so it's absolutely amazing for me and I don't think I could've landed myself a more perfect job.

I'm a girly girl so I love make-up, the colours pink and blue, as well as a good bargain. But I also have a rather long bucket list to complete so I really best get a move on! You can access my bucket list by clicking here.

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn a little more about me.

Love, Erika 

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