Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas Everyone ☃

Today is the day we've all been waiting for!! Everyone loves Christmas and not many people grow out of it which I think is great.

Anyway it's CHRISTMAS EVERYONE. One of my favorite times of year. This isn't exactly going to be a long post because it's Christmas day and I'm sure you're all more interested in your presents than reading this so I won't keep you for long.

I want to wish all you lovely people out there a happy Christmas and I hope you enjoy this wonderful day. A huge merry Christmas to all my wonderful family and friends who have stood by my side this year and supported me. I would not have gotten through this year without you all here and I honestly can't wait for next year. One of the reasons today is so special for me and so many other ill people is that we made another Christmas, were still here spending time with our loved ones and there's nothing I or anyone else loves more. The thought that I made it buzzes through my ears and the fact I'm so lucky to be enjoying another Christmas!

Have a lovely lovely Christmas and I hope you get all the things you asked for and enjoy these lovely couple of days with your family and friends. 

All my love

Love, Erika

Sunday, 21 December 2014

General Life and Health

I haven't blogged since the 9th of December, so much for doing them regularly!

If you're friends with me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram you'll know that I've been quite sick the past 2 weeks, I had a infection, then a cold then last Sunday I managed to bag myself the dreaded sickness bug that is going around at the moment. It hasn't exactly been the best two weeks and I've only managed 2 days at work which is crap, but it means I should be better for Christmas which is a bonus but then again since Wednesday i think I've caught a cold or something AGAIN as my glands are up again and I have a sore throat. Oh I love this time of year when all the sickness is around!

I've had a really busy weekend for once, I saw my friends Devon and Georgie who I haven't seen in a long time and we had a lovely catch up, I got my nails done all ready for Christmas and I got my eyebrows done too because they were in serious need of a tidy up.

Christmas has come around so quick, I can't believe. I've done all my Christmas shopping and it's all wrapped and ready to go which is a bonus because shopping at last minute is too stressful for me and I definitely know my Mum finds it stressful too, so at least one of us is ready?

There's really not much to write about at all because I've spent the last 2 weeks in bed, so yeah. Exciting stuff!

Thank you for reading this rather short blog.

Love, Erika

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Christmas ☃

I don't know about anyone else but I LOVE Christmas, it has to be my favorite time of year. I love the festivity and everyone's always happy at this time of year. Some present's have arrived and some haven't, but today I received a present I had ordered and when I opened it, it definitely did not look anything like it did online and now I'm rather confused on what to do with it. Why does that have to happen and I can't exactly keep it till Christmas because the return time will be up. Poo you online shopping. Apart from stupid things like that happening, buying Christmas presents and wrapping them is my favorite part and I struggle to not tell people what I have got them. I've done most of my shopping now and all that is left to do is wrap them and label them and wait for the 25th to give them their presents. LONG. One thing that pretty much poos on my Christmas parade EVERY single year without fail is advent calendars, I dislike milk chocolate on it's own to a very strong level, I can eat Malteasers, I can eat strawberries dipped in chocolate, I can eat chocolate with nuts in, anything else but chocolate on it's own. So this year, I got a Malteasers advent calendar so I could have MALTEASERS, YES MALTEASERS that I like very much, every day, for the next month. But when I opened the first door, it was plain old milk flipping chocolate. I was not impressed and I have not eaten a single chocolate from my calendar. Now, I don't know if it's just me but surely if you're gonna sell a MALTEASERS advent calendar, it's got to have MALTEASERS in it. But apparently not, and I have poopy milk chocolate that tastes awful (in my opinion).

I've been feeling pretty rough lately and my glands have been badly inflamed so I assumed I had tonsillitis. I managed to get a Doctors appointment yesterday and they told me i had a "mild infection" and it would soon go. They prescribed me antibiotics, but told me not to take them unless it got worse? Yes, a doctor told me, that i shouldn't take antibiotics now, I should wait for it to get worse. Um hello? No I don't think so, and I will be taking them today until it goes because I do not want to risk it getting worse and causing more problems when it could have been prevented in the first place. They also prescribed me the OxyNorm that I was told to take when I had a headache/migraine by GOSH which is a bonus so hopefully they will work but currently I'm on a small dose and if it doesn't work we can increase the dosage. 

Nothing much to blog about at all but I really fancied doing a blog so that's what happened really. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog even though I've probably talked a load of crap in this one especially.

Love, Erika

Friday, 5 December 2014

This whole 'blogging' regularly is definitely not my thing.

Not much has happened at all since I last blogged except work, having my first pay day which was pretty exciting, Bath and the hospital and the rest of my time has spent sleeping. Oh how fun.

Today I had my PH clinic which was at Bristol Children's Hospital this time. It was supposed to be my last appointment with GOSH as I now should be in the process of being transferred to Hammersmith because of my age, and that is where adult PH clinics are. Anyway, only me and Dad went today as it wasn't such a big appointment and when I found out it was my last I was absolutely gutted as Mum wasn't there and I knew she would want to be there. I managed to get them to let me have one last appointment with them in February. After my appointment in February I will never step foot in GOSH for a PH clinic again. It makes me so upset as they've been with me since day one, but life goes on and I can't stop it. But I definitely will miss all my consultants, doctors and nurses and it's a change that I have to accept and get used to. CAN I JUST PUT OUT THERE THAT I HATE CHANGE, 

Bristol appointments are never the same as GOSH as I don't do all the same tests because they don't have the equipment and it doesn't take as long due to fact I only do 2 tests instead of 5. My appointment was fine, everything is ok and there's no change since last time which is good. They also told me I could have my ears pierced now, finally, so I will definitely be going to get that done very soon. There isn't really much to tell at all but they did manage to answer a few questions we had about what other painkillers i could take as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol are crap and co-codamol makes me ill. (They told me I could have Oxymoron, so fingers crossed it will help with my headaches and pain when I get it). And when my sleep study will be done. I'm not going to go into detail about the sleep study just yet but it is an upcoming test I will be doing which will mean going into hospital overnight, hopefully locally. But when I've actually done the test or possibly before I will do a blog on it. At the end of my appointment I made my consultants, doctors and nurses take a selfie with me for safe keeping with my new selfie stick I recently purchased. What has my life come to? (Theres always one that has to mess up a photo i.e Dad and Avyette).

From right to left we have: Shahin who is my consultant from GOSH, myself, Avyette who is my nurse from GOSH, Dr Tulloh my doctor at Bristol and in the front my Dad.

Thank you for reading lovelies and just to let you know in, it's 20 days till Christmas!

Love, Erika