Sunday 2 November 2014

2nd November means one thing...


I've been feeling rather groggy and un-motivated lately. I have no energy and I would loveeeeee to be a hedgehog so I could go and hibernate. I hope I've got that right, that hedgehog's hibernate? Ahhhhh the joys of getting an E in Science. Anyway, I've been feeling rather poopy this week and everything seems to be getting on top of me and rather too much.

Daniel's birthday was great and we had a few lovely meals with his family, he enjoyed all of his present's and I'm so glad I could be a part of his 18th. Some people will probably question why I'm so grateful of being able to be part of it, but I am, so so so grateful. I love birthdays, I love giving other people presents and watching them opening them. I love seeing people so happy and excited on their birthday. And particularly with Dan's birthday, was the fact that I could share such a special moment in most people's life, turning 18, with him. Also the fact that I may not make it to my 18th but I've still been there for his, and that fills me with so much joy. (Not that I might be dead for mine, that I was there for Dan's 18th, just in case anyone thinks otherwise.) I hope that makes sense. 

I've had a boring half term, and I haven't exactly done anything amazing. We did some baking on Monday, making gingerbread men and lemon drizzle fairy cakes. On Tuesday me and my brother spent the whole day in bed playing Mario Kart Wii. We had a laugh and just slobbed about all day. My Grandma has been down from Brighton since Wednesday and I always love seeing her and spending time with her when she's down. I don't get to see her often which is rubbish so when I do see her we always manage to have a laugh and do loads of things! When I say loads of things, I mainly mean shopping. 

I've spent this half term getting myself ready for the next few weeks that lay ahead of me. For once it's not actually anything to do with the hospital as I usual use that line for something major with the hospital. I have a few more things to sort out and then at some point next week there WILL be a blog post about 'My First Day'. But, my first day doing what? Hehe.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog
Erika X

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