Hey guys, guess what? I'm bored.
So about a week and a half ago I came down with the most terrible sore throat, it was like razor blades in my throat and I thought I had tonsillitis again. Right now I actually wish I had tonsillitis, instead I've accumulated this horrible dry mucus cough (gross) that went too my chest pretty quickly and has resulted in endless sleepless night and being house bound. Oh and don't forget the blocked nose which doesn't help as I can't breath well enough already!
Yesterday, Mum managed to get me an emergency doctors appointment, which turn out to be the biggest pile of crap ever. We ended up discussing my disease for the majority of the appointment because they don't like too give you the same Doctor, and then when it came down to discussing this horrible cold, I was told that it will "soon go". Great advice, he clearly wasn't there for the 15 minute conversation we just had about my disease, and that it's very risky for me to have a cold because it can cause all sorts of problems. Mum then had to remind the doctor that because of the treatment I'm on, I can't take Beechams Cold and Flu capsules (and other medications like Ibruprofen, Nurofen etc) as they interact with my drugs and can cause heart problems.
Anyway, they finally prescribed me some Antibiotics which I was told to take only if I get worse. Yeah, he clearly wasn't there for the whole entire conversation about my disease, where Mum also specifically highlighted the fact that I'm struggling already and if it gets worse I could end up in hospital.
Today is my first day on the antibiotics so hopefully I will start too feel a little better by tomorrow! At the moment I'm house bound and I'm trying my hardest to rest as much as I can. It's really weird actually because before I started work and my apprenticeship I was off a lot of the time at school and sixth form, and I don't even know how I managed it, especially when I was off for those four weeks.... I'm so so so bored!!
I can't wait too feel better, I've completely forgotten what it feels like to not have a blocked up nose and to have a decent nights sleep.
As always, thanks for reading!