It's been so up and down, so much has happened and it definitely hasn't been a normal few weeks recently.
Two weeks ago I had my last ever GOSH appointment and last week I had my first appointment at Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital (QCCH), and my monthly bloods at GWH. ITS SOOOOOOOOOO DRAINING TO SAY THE LEAST. I'm glad it's all over now though because now I can just get on with life with no interruptions for at least 6 weeks (which has now changed to 3 weeks of no interruptions with lots of phone calls and stress because I'm petrified), pretty sad too look forward to having no hospital appointments I know but they are very draining and it's nice to have a break for WEEKS instead of a few days or a week.
But really it's not all over as I'm already having problems with Hammersmith and Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, which isn't making my transfer easier and I haven't even met the Hammersmith PH team and I already hate them for all the drama and stress they've managed to cause already. It's actually really upsetting because I feel like I've been chucked in the deep end, and I was told I would be introduced to the team over the phone and I would be told about the clinic appointments and what would happen, but I haven't had that conversation, and they've gone and booked me in at Hammersmith in 3 weeks time for a PH appointment at and I have no idea what to expect? I'm so scared and as well of all of this I feel like I have no one to turn too about it as no one understands and most people think it's so easy, I tell you now it's really not.
Anyway, enough of the boring, crappy stuff. On to the more exciting 'stuff' (there's not much).
KATIE GAVE BIRTH TO SAMSON THE CUTEST LITTLE BOY EVER AND HE'S SO DINKY AND CUTE AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Samson was born on the 12th February, and was only 52cm long/tall, I'm not sure how long/tall he is now but he is still so dinky. I haven't met Samson yet but from all the pictures I've seen he is an absolute cutie, and Jools and Katie are the most amazing, perfect parents ever. I've appointed myself as Auntie Erika because he is just the cutest amazing little boy ever.
Thank you for reading and I have no clue when I'm going to write another post so don't hold your breath!
Love, Erika