Anyway this isn't going to be a long post at all, just nice and brief. As some of you know as you're friends with me on facebook my New Years resolution was to learn how to do my meds as there's quite a lot to be done and it's about time I learnt. It also means I have more freedom so since the 2 of January I have been doing my meds with mums guidance and I'm so proud.
Today marks my 2 year anniversary with Martin (my pump). God knows why I named him Martin but I did and that's that. This is Martin
Martin has saved my life, he might not of worked at the beginning but 6-7 months ago he decided he was going to start kicking some ass. I'm so glad I got Martin when I did, it was definitely the right time when I got him and he's changed my life in so many ways. (If someone looks over your shoulder while you're reading this they are going to think that I have a really sweet boyfriend, Martin is NOT my boyfriend, he is my pump that is connected to my Hickman line feeding me medication 24/7. Sorry for the disappointment.) Martin has changed my life, mostly good but some bad. And he's also changed my family's life. Certain things I can't do do effect my family but we all march on and keep going and always find alternatives. Also, because my meds have to be done every 24 hours, it limits where I can go, and I always have to have my parents with me as they're the only ones who can do it, but I assure you all that is going to change very very soon. But focusing on the good points, he's made me better these past 6-7 months, my health has improved and I've never had an internal infection with Martin which is great.
You're all probably thinking I'm a nutter for naming my pump, but it just makes things a little easier when dealing with being ill and having a pump connected to you 24/7.
Thank you so so much for reading! Hope you're all well and have had a brilliant start to 2015.
Love, Erika
Love, Erika